About Us
When Marcelo Zelicovich, the creator of Doctor Aromas, came to visit us in Montreal in 2016, he brought us as a gift the starter premium kit of Doctor Aromas system. What else could he have brought us after all? This was and is what makes him proud. This is what represents him, and families always share their success and happiness. After years of very hard work and not always easy times, he finally mastered a product that is the epiphany of quality, innovation, efficiency and good feelings. Of course we tried it, and we fell in love with it immediately.
Doctor Aromas, located in North Miami, FL is proud of being a business with safe and efficient products made in the USA. Doctor Aromas got started in 2007 and have since been dedicated to providing well-being through an often-overlooked sense, smell, in a revolutionary way, the central air conditioning and ventilation system. The Doctor Aromas system is simple, but has a far-reaching impact. Our product not only ensures that spaces will be evenly and efficiently aromatized, but also creates a wonderful ambiance, characterized by the soothing effects of aromatherapy. By allowing essential oils and the highest grade fragrances to permeate through the AC system, spaces – and the people in them – are immediately and positively transformed. The Doctor Aromas team continuously works to improve the product and the service provided.
Hundreds of high end apartment buildings, stores and hotels in Miami and thousand of homes across the United States are already sharing the experience of Doctor Aromas. Hundreds of Canadians have consulted about the availability of the product in Canada after experiencing the fragrances in the hotels or apartment buildings they have been to when traveling down south. DA Canada is proud to finally bring this product for the enjoyment of all Canadians.
Which fragrance suits you best? Humans have the ability to distinguish over 10,000 different odor molecules, and these scents are connected to memories and emotions. Smell is the only sense that we can’t avoid. While we’re alive, we’re always breathing, thus smelling.
Each scent of Doctor Aromas is crafted with the highest quality ingredients to ensure a positive experience and to bring you the healing properties of plants and essential oils, as well as the many benefits of aromatherapy.
Chose from our exclusive collections the fragrance that better fits your needs and start experiencing the wonders of Doctor Aromas. Happiness is in the air and success is in your hands.
To know more about Doctor Aromas, you can visit doctoraromas.com